Darth Vader
Darth Vader's helmet is likely the most famous in the films. The black, foreboding helmet is actually made up of two pieces. The first is a full-size face mask that also acts as a breathing apparatus for the character. The mask is covered on top by an open-faced helmet that also shields the back and sides of Vader's neck.
Boba Fett
The bounty hunter Boba Fett's helmet is mostly light green in color and has a cylindrical shape. It has a smooth dome at the top and a front that points out at a sharp angle. This front is highlighted by a dark, T-shaped face plate with a rust-colored metal border. An antenna pokes upward on one side.
Stormtroopers wear white helmets that match their armor. Their helmets have a round shape and widen out at the base. They have dark eyepieces with a black band above them; a thin, clear bridge across the nose; and a black speaker at the mouth.
TIE Fighter Pilot
TIE Fighter pilots wear helmets similar in shape to those of Stormtroopers. But their helmets are black and have a large bridge running across the top, going from the eyepieces all the way across the back of the helmet.
Rebel Pilot
Most Rebel pilots wear white helmets. These helmets are open-faces with a tinted eye shield. They have a bridge similar to the one on a TIE Fighter pilot's helmet, but with red stripes running along it.