Things You'll Need
How to Send Autograph Requests to Celebrities
Log onto the Internet. The Internet is a power tool for almost everything nowadays and the same goes for autograph collecting. There are many sites that have great addresses for whatever celebrity that you would like to contact. One outstanding site is because it is reasonably priced and the members post successes and failures along with each address. So, if an address worked many times, it is a safe bet that it will work for you. Creativity is another way to acquire addresses. If you hear that a celebrity will be on Broadway, in concert, or filming a movie in town, you can obtain these types of addresses easily and try them.
Choose whom you would like to write to and then compose a letter to that person. Celebrities appreciate personalized letters, just like anyone else, so mention what makes you a fan and ask them politely if they would fulfill this request by signing the enclosed item or providing an item of their own. There are very generous celebrities that will send a nice signed head-shot. If you send a picture or index card or baseball, and it is in front of them, they will sign it and send it back. Not all celebrities are willing to find a picture and send it to you. However, it does happen.
Make it as easy for the celebrity as possible. A very good rule of thumb in sending a request is to send a self-addressed envelope along with the letter and the item. However, do not count on getting a reply if you have to make the celebrity address an envelope to you and buy a stamp. Purchase an envelope big enough to accommodate what you're sending and also purchase another one that is one size smaller for the return envelope.
Place everything into the envelope addressed to the celebrity and do not forget the return address. The post office does not like phantom letters post 9/11 and neither do paranoid celebrities. Weigh the item on a postal scale and attach the appropriate postage.
Write down to whom you sent the request to and when you sent the letter. You may receive a response in one week, three months, never, and anywhere in between. The more requests you send out, the harder it is to keep track of whom you are contacting.