Find some vintage baseball programs to buy. The best place to look at sports memorabilia shows. Look online to find sports memorabilia shows coming up in your area. The Beckett website (see Resources below) offers a show calendar with memorabilia shows around the country and a database of dealers around the country. You can also shop online on sites like Sports Artifacts (see Resources below).
Check out the cover of the vintage baseball program before you buy. The cover is one of the most important factors in the value of a baseball program. If it is in good shape and features a picture of a popular team or famous player, the program is worth more.
Flip through the vintage baseball program to check the condition of the pages. Pages should not be torn or missing. Because baseball programs are purchased and used at the ball park around hot dogs and beverages, pages may have stains and scorecards may be creased. These things are acceptable if you're not too picky, but they will drive down the value of a program.
Try to find programs from historic games. The most collectible programs come from games with historic value, such as a World Series game, a game in which a record was broken or a no-hitter was pitched. Even programs from recent years can be valuable if the game was important.
Take a look at the advertising in the program. Vintage baseball programs are not just sports collectibles, they are historical and pop culture documents. Historical advertising, especially if it's interesting or unique, makes programs more collectible and valuable.