Check to see if the car has red lines on the wheels. If it does not, it is not a Redline Hot Wheels car.
Look to see what type of wheels are on the car. Most of the Redlines before 1973 were a cap with no hole in it. The newer cars have holes in all four wheels.
Inspect the car's color. Redline Hot Wheels had a paint job called "Spectraflame." The colors were vibrant and included purple, lavender, olive, lime, magenta, yellow, red, orange, gold, brown, green, aqua, blue, light blue, light green, salmon, rose and hot pink. The paint job was often enhanced with metallic flecks.
Look to see if there is a Hot Wheels logo on the back of the car. It would be near the spoiler, hatchback or trunk. This is called the tampo. Check the car closely to see if the logo might have rubbed off from wear and tear. There were no tampos on the original Redline cars.
Flip the car over. Look for the country of manufacture. Original Redlines were made in either the USA or in Hong Kong. The modern reproductions are stamped with China or Thailand.
Look on the bottom of the car for the words "Vintage" or "Anniversary." The newer cars have been marked as a vintage or special reproductions.