Join a Lego forum, such as LUGNET, to network with other Lego collectors around the world. You'll find the perfect audience to answer your questions as you get started, and will learn what you need to know about collecting vintage Lego sets. Most forums also have catalogs of Lego pictures and reference guides.
Narrow the scope of your vintage Lego collection. You may wish to collect a particular genre of Legos, such as the popular Star Wars Lego line, or the original Lego sets from the first days of production. Find out which Lego sets have the highest rankings by consulting the LUGNET guide online.
Find a source--or several sources--for your vintage Lego collection. Look in your parents' attic for forgotten Lego sets, at flea markets and second-hand shops. Search for particular Lego sets on online auctions and through Lego message forum sales boards.
Sell Legos you don't need to get cash for your vintage Lego collection. As you find Lego deals from local sources, you'll have some that don't fit into your collection. Trade them for pieces you need, or sell as lots online.