Sell a Comic Book
Know how much money you want to get for your comic book. Look at what similar books have sold for online. Price your comic book realistically based on its condition and what other comparable books have been selling for. Underprice it slightly to sell it quickly.
Take the book to a comic store or dealer to get an estimate. Decide whether to sell the book there, or try to sell it directly to a customer on your own. Comic book stores have to turn a profit, so they may not offer as much as you could get elsewhere. On the other hand, it is a very quick option.
List your book online on a site like eBay or CraigsList. Sell it individually if it is a popular or rare title, or bundle it into a small lot with other comic books of the same genre if it is a less desirable edition.
Realize that some books just aren't valuable enough to make it worth the effort to sell it. Think about donating those.
Donate a Comic Book
Give your comic book to the library so they can add it to their collection, or try to sell it at their used book fairs to benefit the library.
Take the comic book into a doctor's office, particularly one with patients who are the appropriate age for the comic. For example, if the comic is aimed towards younger children, take it to a pediatrician's office.
Donate your book to charity for them to dispose as they see fit. Collectibles with Causes is one organization that accepts large donations of comic books to help people in need. You can deduct the fair market value of the comic from your taxes.