Examine the size of your fossil. Dinosaur fossils will look almost exaggerated in size if they came from a larger creature such as a tyrannosaurus.
Inspect the inner workings. Carnivorous dinosaurs had hollow bones that were extremely thick and sturdy. Herbivore fossils are not hollow.
Feel any teeth or horn fossils. Dinosaur teeth and horns are rare, and can easily be confused with the teeth and horns of other animals. Look for a cone shape. Longer, serrated teeth belong to carnivores; shorter teeth belong to herbivores.
Note the shape. Dinosaurs bore striking resemblance to birds in their skeletal remains. Most had hip bones that were shaped like a bird's, with wide-set legs.
Feel the texture. Rocks and sedimentary deposits are rough and uneven, often grainy, but can resemble bones. Dinosaur bones are smoother; dirt and debris are easily removed.