Examine what the fossil is. If it is the an organism then it is considered a Body Fossil. If it is the remains of an organism, such as its eggs, droppings, bite marks, foot print or a nest, then it is a Trace Fossil.
Document the size of the fossil. If it has to be studied under a microscope then it is a Microfossil. If it can be studied under the naked eye then it is a Macrofossil.
Document whether the fossil can be collected at the surface. If your fossil can be easily obtained, then it is classified as accessible. If the fossil is buried and rock must be eroded, it is inaccessible.
Examine the validity of the fossil. A fossil can either be a true fossil, a pseudo fossil, a modern fossil or a fake. A true fossil is any stone formation of an organism or its remains. A pseudo fossil is a rock that appears to be a fossil but is not upon further study. A modern fossil is stone formation that is very recent rather than ancient like a true fossil. A fake is something that is disingenuously passed as a true fossil.