Things You'll Need
Learn How to Sell Fossils
Understand that fossils can range in monetary value from priceless for the very rare to utterly nothing for common fossils. For instance, sea shell fossils specific to the Great Plains of the U.S. are so commonplace that they can literally be found lying on the ground, so they have no real monetary value. On the other hand, the value of the complete mastodon skeleton recently unearthed in upstate New York is beyond measure. (It is now housed at the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca.)
Appreciate the fact that fossils to not depreciate. So, dealing in quality fossils is a wise investment. After all, unlike many commodities, the supply of available fossils cannot be replenished. Therefore, their value continues to increase over time.
Participate in fossil and mineral shows, either as a dealer well equipped to sell premium fossils, or as a spectator to learn more about how to trade and sell fossils at such events. In the U.S., there are annual fossil shows held on the east and west coasts, as well as several very well attended shows in Colorado and Arizona. Visit Martin Zinn Expos to learn more (see Resources below).
Consider advertising in a trade journal or publication to sell your fossils, such as the 'Journal of Avocational Paleontology' (see Resources below).
Take advantage of one of the Internet's largest marketplaces: eBay. Many dealers successfully sell fossils through this online venue, or even entire collections (see Resources below).