Sight in your Leupold scope by adjusting the elevation and windage of your scope's reticles to intersect on the rifle's projected point-of-impact. Use a boresighting device to find your point-of-impact, visually by looking through the barrel from the action, or by shooting live ammunition and using the bullet holes as a reference. The elevation adjustment is on top of the scope and the windage adjustment on the right hand side.
Set your scope to your desired magnification setting. Variable power scopes have adjustable ranges of magnification settings. Fixed power scopes are preset to a specific power. Use the power-ring located just in front of the ocular lens or eye piece to set your magnification to the desired level.
Adjust for parallax error with either a dial, located on the left hand side of your scope adjacent to the reticle adjustment dials, or on the objective bell of the scope to the known distance to your target.