Things You'll Need
Prepare a target at a distance of 100 yards. Attach your laser boresighter to the end of your weapon's barrel, turn on your red dot scope and aim at your target. Observe where the laser beam strikes the target in relation to your scope's red dot.
Estimate the distance between the two points in inches. For example, if your laser beam is on the target one inch above and one inch to the right of your red dot, then you will need to adjust your dot one inch down and one inch to the left. Your objective is to align both points of light.
Adjust the elevation dial, located on top of the scope, four clicks down (counterclockwise is down, clockwise is up). Adjust your windage dial, located on the right side of the scope, four clicks to the left (counterclockwise is right, clockwise is left). Using the previous example as a guide, these adjustments would move the dot down one inch and left by one inch.
Recheck your target and make further adjustments as necessary.