Things You'll Need
Make sure your handgun is unloaded, then put it into your holster. The weight of the pistol will help you to better set up your holster. Unfasten the quick-release buckle on the strap that attaches the holster to your belt, place the loop around your belt and refasten the buckle.
Adjust the length of your holster strap so that the grip of your handgun is about halfway down your thigh. The gun should be down far enough so it's not in the way, but not so far that you have to stretch to reach it.
Unfasten the quick-release buckle on the strap that wraps around your leg, adjust the length of the strap so that it wraps securely around leg and refasten the buckle. The strap should be secure but not excessively tight. If the strap is too tight it could interfere with your circulation.