Things You'll Need
Remove the slide assembly. Pull the slide back slightly while pushing on the two break-down pins. The pins are located on each side of the frame, just above the trigger. Remove the slide, barrel and spring off the front of the gun.
Push the trigger pin out of the gun. Drift the pin out the right side (rear view) of the frame using the punch. Remove the pin completely.
Extract the trigger housing from the frame. This housing extends up above the rear end of the frame from within. Tug up on the housing. Extract the housing along with the entire trigger assembly.
Twist the trigger bar out of the housing. The bar is a long piece of metal with the trigger on the end. Once the bar is rotated out, remove it by detaching the trigger spring.
Insert your new trigger, connected to its trigger bar, into the location when your old trigger was removed. Reassemble your gun.