Moving Laser Beam
Remove the laser sight from the barrel and check the plastic caliber adapter installed at the stem.
Check to make sure that the adapter is for the caliber of the weapon that you are sighting in. For example, you cannot use the .22 caliber adapter to sight a .30 caliber rifle. If necessary, change the adapter to the appropriate caliber.
Place the bore sighter back into the rifle barrel, making sure that it is in as far as it will go and that you're not aiming the rifle downward. A downward angle can cause the bore sighter to slip out of position.
No Laser Beam
Remove the plastic turn switch on the side of the bore sighter; it is held in position with a small spring. This switch both turns the bore sighter on and off and holds the batteries in position.
Remove the batteries and replace with fresh ones, and make sure to install the batteries correctly.
Check the laser by turning it on; if the laser fails, it may be an internal problem which is beyond simple troubleshooting. If this is the case, contact LaserLyte for instructions.