Remove the gun's magazine. Pull back the slide to lock it in the "Open" position. Ensure that the gun's barrel is empty.
Release the M1911's slide manually, rather than using the gun's slide-release lever. Let the slide fall forward so that it faces the gun's muzzle. Press on the recoil-spring plug until the barrel bushing can be turned clockwise.
Twist the barrel-bushing clockwise so that it covers the recoil-spring plug. Keep the plug under pressure during this process so that it does not fly away from the gun.
Take out the recoil spring and the spring plug; set them aside. Cock the gun's hammer so that it is in full-cock position. Do not set the hammer to its half-cock position; this is unsafe.
Pull the slide toward the rear. The slide-release lever should align itself with the circular notch located on the slide's left side. Push the slide release lever at its axis so it moves from the right side to the left. Pull off the slide release lever when it pops out.
Set the M1911 upside down. Push the slide forward. Remove the slide and the recoil-spring guide. Turn the gun so that you are facing the barrel's muzzle, and then twist the barrel bushing in a counterclockwise direction. Pull the barrel bushing out. Sllide the barrel link forward and remove the barrel.