The Taurus 738 .380 is an example of smaller carry-guns. The overall length is 5.25 inches, with a height of 3.625 inches and a width of 0.77 inches. The unloaded weight is 9.9 oz. The capacity is seven bullets in the magazine and one in the chamber.
The Bersa .380 is a traditional-sized handgun. The overall length is 6 inches, with a height of 4.5 inches and a width of 1 inch. The unloaded weight is 16.4 oz. The capacity is eight bullets in the magazine and one in the chamber.
Both guns come with polymer frames, and are double-action only. A shooter does not have to cock a hammer before firing; pulling the trigger is sufficient. The Bersa is more comfortable in the hand when shooting, but the Taurus is more concealable.