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How to Cut Down a Glock Grip

The plastic grip of a Glock handgun makes it possible for you to shorten the length of the grip without the aid of a gunsmith. The function of the weapon will remain unaffected as long as the cut is made below the trigger and magazine release. The advantage of shortening your pistol's grip is that you will be able to use magazines from smaller models. For example, cutting down the grip of a full-size pistol will allow you to use magazines for compact or subcompact pistols (provided that they are variants of the same basic model).

Things You'll Need

  • Hacksaw with fine-tooth PVC saw blade
  • Bench vise
  • Ruler
  • Scribe
  • Fine sandpaper
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    • 1

      Make sure your pistol is unloaded and field strip your pistol.

    • 2

      Take your grip and measure the length that you intend to remove from the bottom of the grip. Mark it off the length with your scribe, place your ruler across the grip --- were you intend to cut --- and mark the line with your scribe.

    • 3

      Place your grip in your bench vise so that you have unobstructed access to the section to be cut. To prevent damage to your grip, place a cloth or other protective material between the edges of the vise and your grip.

    • 4

      Cut off the end with your hacksaw equipped with a PVC fine-tooth saw blade. Exercise extreme caution while cutting to make sure that your cut is straight and even between both sides of the grip.

    • 5

      Use your fine sandpaper to sand down the edges of your cut.

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