Construction and Size
Both pistols feature polymer lower receivers and internal firing mechanisms. The dimensions of the pistols are remarkably similar. Both are approximately 6.3 inches long, but the Walther is a little taller at 4.4 inches--to the G27̵7;s 4.17 inches--and the G27 is slightly wider at 1.18 inches, compared with the Walther at 1.04 inches. The Walther PPS barrel is 3.2 inches in length, compared with the G27 at 3.46 inches.
Both pistols feature trigger safeties̵1;located on the triggers̵1;that must first be engaged for the triggers to operate. The Glock features its ̶0;safe action̶1; system that keeps the weapon un-cocked unless the trigger is being pulled. The Walther has a similar system called the Internal Striker Safety. The Walther has an additional safety feature of a removal back-strap that renders the pistol inoperable until the piece is replaced.
Magazine Capacities
The G27 has a standard magazine capacity of nine rounds; the Walther PPS comes with a standard magazine of six rounds. Additionally, the Walther has an ambidextrous magazine release while the Glock̵7;s release is on the pistol's left side̵1;favoring right-handed shooters.