Things You'll Need
Put the plating solution and misting balls from your plating kit into a large pot and put it on a medium flame to heat up. Put a thermometer into the pot so you can monitor the temperature.
Take off whatever parts of your gun you want to refinish and lay them out a piece of plastic.
Remove the old finish by rubbing it with a solution of equal parts muriatic acid and water. You should wear gloves and a respiratory mask when working with the acid.
Rub the gun with the acid solution and a cloth wherever you want to apply the new finish. Make sure you remove every bit of the old finish.
Wash the Glock down with an industrial degreaser to remove any dirt or oil that may be on your gun. Clean visible dirt thoroughly to make sure it is gone.
Spray the gun with distilled water and check for any drops of water that don't roll cleanly off the gun. Wherever the water beads up, it means there is still dirt there.
Lower the cleaned parts into the pot of solution once it reaches 185 degrees F. Drop the pieces in carefully so you don't splash hot solution on yourself.
Check the parts every 30 minutes to see if the plating is thick enough. Add distilled water if you see the solution is evaporating too low.
Remove the pieces from the pot and drop them into a container full of distilled water. Let the pieces cool off in the water before letting them dry and replacing them on your Glock.