Check Before Use
Tritium (which is used to power the scope's night vision) is an odorless, tasteless, colorless gas that effects people much the same way that hydrogen does. Because of the possible danger involved if the scope becomes damaged, it needs to be checked to ensure that it's in proper working order. Checking an ACOG scope can be easily done by going into a dark room after the possible damage has occurred. If the damage happened during the day, the switch into dark lighting might fool your eyes. So to get a better reading on the state of the scope's reticle, it's best to wait a few minutes to allow your eyes the chance to adjust to the lack of light. This will make for a much more accurate inspection of the reticle.
Keep Both Eyes Open
The trick to aiming correctly while using an ACOG scope is to keep both of your eyes open while selecting a target. The reason you want to do this is because of the way that the brain processes visual information. The image that you see through the telescopic scope blurs more quickly than the image you see with your naked eye. Your brain automatically focuses on the clearer image while the gun is in motion; even if the movement is only a fraction of an inch. Once the gun is still, your brain will once again make the switch back to the magnified view. This tip is effective for all but about 4 percent of the population. Those who are blind in one eye or are cross-eye dominant won't be able to make effective use of this aiming tip.
Don't Over-Adjust
The ACOG scope is a very delicate piece of equipment. When one is used for the first time, it has a pre-centered setting that requires only marginal adjustments to achieve a clear view. Any adjustments that are made need to be kept minor so that the internal prism assembly isn't damaged by over-extension. The moment that the windage and elevation mechanism starts to protest, it's important to stop what you're doing because you've reached the limits of the scope's adjustment capabilities.