Gun Cabinet
A gun cabinet is a display case for your guns. They're typically designed out of attractive wood with glass doors so you can display your guns. Home Security Information compares gun cabinets to high school lockers, in that they're not very secure. The site also claims that many people choose safes for this very reason.
Gun Cabinet Advantages
Gun cabinetry can provide a way to display and show off your gun collection. A gun cabinet is typically a beautiful piece of furniture that can help decorate a room. Gun cabinetry typically offers much easier and quicker access to the guns within, which can be a very big advantage in a self-defense emergency.
Gun Cabinet Disadvantages
The main disadvantage of gun cabinetry is a lack of security. Even if it has a lock, a glass door can easily be broken, leaving your guns exposed to criminals. This can also be very dangerous if you have children in the house. Many deaths occur yearly when children find and play with their parents' gun.
Gun Safes
A gun safe is, as the name suggests, a safe for storing guns. Some may have combination codes, while others have keys, but no matter what the security method used, gun safes are typically much safer than gun cabinetry. Internet Armory claims that gun safes are the preferred method of many gun owners for the benefits they offer over gun cabinets.
Gun Safe Advantages
Gun safes are commonly made out of high-quality metal that can, depending on the safe, be virtually impenetrable unless you have the key or code to unlock it. Many gun safes are fireproof, which means you can even store important documents or other items with your guns and rest assured that they will be safe in a fire. If you have children around, a secured gun safe is an absolute must for protecting your children from playing with your gun and possibly hurting or killing themselves or another.
Gun Safe Disadvantages
Gun safes don't offer many disadvantages. The biggest is that they don't allow you to display your guns proudly, as gun cabinetry does. Gun safes also aren't typically designed with beauty in mind, meaning they won't look as good as a gun cabinet. While this is important to some, the safety benefits of gun safes make it worth not showing off the guns inside.