Familiarize Yourself
Familiarize yourself with your Glock pistol by thoroughly studying the user's manual. A crucial part of gun safety is being comfortable with your weapon, and learning the nuances of your pistol will help you achieve that.
Handling the Pistol
Always treat every firearm as if it was loaded and keep the weapon pointed in a safe direction. This advice applies not only to Glock firearms but to all firearms. When you're about to handle a firearm, always check to make sure that the weapon is unloaded.
Shooting Safety
Keep your finger off the trigger until you have aimed your weapon at your target and are ready to shoot. Before shooting, be certain of your target and the area that you're shooting in (never shoot in a direction where the bullet may cause injury or damage). Always wear eye and hearing protection when shooting your firearm (this rule also applies to observers).
Pistol Maintenance and Ammunition
Even though Glock pistols are designed to function in the worst conditions, before firing your pistol, you should always check that the weapon is functioning properly and that the barrel is clear of obstructions. Always use the proper ammunition for your pistol; you should be absolutely sure that the ammunition matches the firearm.
Pistol Security
Always keep your pistol secured and out of the hands of children and anyone who is unauthorized to handle the weapon. Additionally, keep your weapon unloaded while in storage.
Drugs and Alcohol
Although it may seem obvious, it needs to be stated: Never use a firearm under the influence of drugs or alcohol.