Things You'll Need
Place duct tape around the hammer, grip and rear of the slide to protect it should your hand slip while using the grinder.
Wipe the grip safety clean with some rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth. This removes any remaining powder residue and machine oil and prevents the gun from sparking when you grind the metal.
Place the gun in a gun vise so it is held in place but you can work on the grip safety easily. If you do not have a gun vise, use a regular vice but place a block of wood on each side of the pistol to protect the finish from the metal jaws of the vise.
Mount your carbide grinding wheel on your hobby grinder following the instructions included with the grinder.
Grind the grip safety to the size and shape that you want it to be.
Rub the grip safety briskly with 400-grit sandpaper to remove the the grinder marks from the metal.