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How to Replace the Barrel in a Mossberg Shotgun

O.F. Mossberg &Sons crafts quality shotguns that are rugged and inexpensive. Mossberg has been the choice of the U.S. military, private security firms and hunters worldwide. The barrels on Mossberg shotguns are relatively easy to replace, but they are not interchangeable between models. Be sure that your new barrel is for the same model and gauge as your old one. As with any firearm, check to be certain that the shotgun is unloaded before you start working on it.

Things You'll Need

  • Mossberg shotgun
  • Replacement barrel for same model and gauge
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    • 1

      Place the shotgun safety, which is located on the top of the shotgun where the stock meets the receiver, in the on, or rearward, position.

    • 2

      Press the action lever, which is positioned just behind the trigger on the left side, upward and pull back the fore-grip, opening the chamber.

    • 3

      Inspect the chamber carefully to make sure that the shotgun is not loaded.

    • 4

      Unscrew the retaining cap at the end of the tubular magazine, which is just below the end of the barrel, and carefully remove the cap. The retaining cap holds the magazine spring in place.

    • 5

      Remove the barrel by pulling it forward and sliding the barrel-mounting ring off the magazine tube.

    • 6

      Line up the new barrel with the tubular magazine and slide the barrel-mounting ring over and down the tube. Push the barrel snugly into the shotgun receiver.

    • 7

      Press the magazine spring back into its tube with the retaining cap and hand tighten.

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