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How to Get a Class 3 Gun License

A Curio and Relics Federal Firearms License, commonly called a C&R or FFL Class 3 gun license, is fairly easy to obtain. The license allows you to own, and in specific circumstances, sell guns that are considered collector's items or relics -- typically old war weapons that are no longer in service. Class 3 license holders are exempt from completing over-the-counter firearm transaction forms and can buy guns from exclusive dealers and catalogs not available to the general public.


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      Obtain a license application. Complete an ATF Form 5310.16. There are two versions of this form. If you are a member of the United States military, complete Form B of 5310.16. Fill out two copies of the application. Send one copy to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Send the second copy to your chief of police or county sheriff's office. Include a fee of $30 along with your application.

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      Complete a Certification of Compliance (form 5330.20). This two-page document requires you to disclose your identity and citizenship status. You must also disclose whether you have professional or military affiliations with foreign governments or international organizations.

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      Proofread and submit your application. Applications with missing information are often sent back to the applicants or, in some cases, denied. Send your application to the bureau's official mailing address, which is provided on the form.

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      Maintain a Curio FFL bound book. List all of your firearms and your Class 3 purchases, sales and trades. Include serial numbers and details for all of your guns. Keep your bound book in a safe place.

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