Before you purchase bulk ammunition you need to check your local laws to find out if it's legal for you to have ammunition shipped to you. Some places have very strict laws against this like California, while others really have no restriction at all. This is important preliminary information, but most of the sites that sell bulk ammunition have this info listed on their pages.
You will also need to meet the age requirement of being 21 years old before you can buy bulk ammunition either online or in a store. This is a universal requirement and online ammo stores have to uphold it.
Once you've made sure that you are ok to buy bulk ammunition you need to select a store to purchase it from. Two good stores are Ammunitiontogo and Streichers, they have a very wide selection and offer reasonable shipping rates on bulk ammunition.
Be prepared to wait a little longer than usual. With the run on ammunition and firearms in early 2009 almost everyone is running low on supplies. It's not uncommon to have to wait around a month or so to receive your order.