Talk to other gun experts you already know. Just being around a gun environment can allow you to pick up a number of facts that will help you become a gun expert.
Subscribe to several firearms themed magazines. One of the most popular and accessible magazines is Guns and Ammo.
Join a shooting organization that disseminates information about gun owning and gun owning rights. The Nation Rifle Association is the leading organization of this type in the United States.
Shoot regularly at the range in order to get an idea of the most popular types of guns being used there. New models and makes are developed all the time, and there is no substitute for seeing them up close and personal.
Disassemble your personal firearm so you can have a better understanding of how the mechanism functions. Getting your hands dirty is one of the best ways to become a gun expert.
Enroll in formal training. Many community colleges across the country offer classes in gunsmithing.