Asses your needs and your motivation for buying a gun as this will affect the type you buy. For example, if you are of slight build and want a gun for safety, look for a pistol that is easy to load, draw and shoot.
Research the gun laws in your state and make sure to comply. In some states, you'll need a gun permit for purchasing a firearm and in many locations you need a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
Consider a single action revolver, the well-known "cowboy" gun of the Old West. Depending on the model, these hold five to 10 rounds in a cylinder that rotates. The gun must be re-cocked before each shot.
Try out a double action revolver, which is similar to the single-action revolver except that it does not need to be re-cocked between shots. Smith &Wesson makes several classic revolvers.
Check out a semiautomatic firearm, which uses a clip for ammunition and is easy to reload quickly if you have extra clips. New, a basic semi-automatic will cost anywhere from $250 to $400.