Transfer Your Gun Collection
Research your state transfer laws. State laws vary greatly about how different firearms can be transferred. Contact local sheriff or law enforcement for relevant information.
Make a detailed list of all guns intended for transfer. Antique and collectible guns do not require a federally licensed dealer to make a transfer within your state.
Compile all registration and identification information for yourself and the party acquiring the gun collection. A gun transfer requires each party to be identified and recorded.
Find a licensed firearms dealer to conduct the transfer through when items in a gun collection are not exempt from the NFA. The dealer will charge state fees, collect taxes and impose dealer fees onto the transaction. Ask about applicable fees before settling transfer details.
Transfer the gun collection to the new owner once the application has been accepted and new registration of NFA regulated guns is complete. The party receiving transfer cannot take possession of the gun collection until the government has accepted the application.
Sell or transfer curios and relics interstate to a federally licensed collector. Collector's licenses enable an out of state gun collection to be acquired privately by qualified parties. Licensed collectors are required to keep detailed records, so provide them with all pertinent information.