Things You'll Need
Choose an area that you want to use for the display. Choosing an area before you purchase the horses or stable will help you determine the scale you should choose. Some model horses are small, while others are more than 12 inches long and take up a lot more space.
Select a horse stable that fits in your space, fits the scale of horses that you want to collect and fits in with the theme of your collection. Show stables can range from simple rodeo style, to a more sophisticated style such as the Kentucky Derby.
Look at regular toy stores, horse collection shops online, antique stores, online auction stores and specialty toy stores for the horses and stable products. You can find most of the basic collecting supplies at toy stores, but once you get into collecting the rarer horses and buildings, you will have to look at specialty stores and online.
Purchase two or three horses to start your collection. Choose a collection that you want to start with, such as Traditional, Rodeo, Classic, Paddock Pals, horses with riders or any other set that catches your eye.
Purchase one horse at a time to expand the collection slowly and keep the expense reasonable. According to the Model Horse, horses ranged in price from $25 to $40 per horse i August, 2012. That can get expensive if you try to purchase several at once.
Continue to add horses or other related objects until you are satisfied with your model show stable collection.