Skip the Middle Man
Research prices. Call local scrap yards and, if possible, deal directly with a metal scrap processor, who works directly with the recycling of the metal products, rather than a broker or peddler, who only dilutes the full price.
Trash or Treasure?
Find sources of scrap in your area. Know the garbage pick-up schedule of various neighborhoods and drive through the night before. Always be on the lookout for discarded appliances -- especially large &heavy ones, like refrigerators, freezers or air conditioners -- as they contain metal and can be collected for scrap.
Scrap 4 "Free"
Place ads online in the "Free" section of online messageboards, Craigslist and other sites offering to remove junk. This is an easy way to create a win-win situation where you get scrap and the other person gets some of their space back.
Scrap Hazards
Be careful to properly handle any potentially hazardous scrap. Any items discarded by a hospital, military base or similar establishment should be treated with special care. Some metals are naturally magnetic or radioactive. Make sure you are aware of the type of metal or metal alloy that makes up the materials you are handling.