Things You'll Need
Distinguish the jewel from metal ore and pearls. A jewel is smooth, not rough and sandy. A jewel will not be malleable or easily shaped like metal ore. And a pearl is white or black, opaque and iridescent and is not considered a jewel or gemstone.
Measure the hardness of the jewel. Using your hardness kit, measure the hardness of the jewel using the Mohs' scale measurement guide provided with the hardness kit. This will narrow down the possibilities of your jewel. A local jeweler or bead store should have access to the kits and identification charts. You will also find a large selection of charts and kits online.
Examine the color, transparency and cut. If the jewel is loose, hold it and examine the stone from all angles. The transparency may change when held up to the light. Many stones lend themselves to particular cuts, so knowing the cut can help narrow down the identification process. Compare your jewel's color, transparency and cut with the gemstone chart.
Create a streak with the jewel and measure it with a streak chart. Make a mark with the jewel on a hard, ceramic plate. This is called a streak. Compare the streak with the various jewel streaks on the chart to find the one yours most closely resembles.