Examine the clothing the women in the photo are wearing. In the 1850s, women wore skirts that were bell-shaped and often had tiers. Look for lace-trimmed bloomers at the bottom of the dress. Tiered cape-jackets and paisley shawls were also in style in the 1850s. Women also wore deep bonnets during this time period.
Examine the clothing the men in the photo are wearing. During the 1850s, men were styled in matching coats, waistcoats and trousers. Shirts featured high, upstanding collars that were tied with large bow ties. Tight frock coats were also very popular in the 1850s. Men in the working class wore bowler hats, while upper-class men wore top hats.
Examine the hair styles of the women and the facial hair of the men in the photo. Women wore their hair in buns or side curls with a center part. Men had large mutton-chop sideburns and mustaches during the 1850s, styled after Prince Albert.
Examine the quality of the paper on which the photo was printed. The daguerreotype method, which was used from 1839 to 1870, produced photos that were enclosed in decorative frames padded with velvet and silk. The calotype method, which was prominent from 1845-1855, involved making a negative image on light sensitive paper and then making a print with a second sheet of sensitized paper. The method did not last long, as it often created faded images and discoloration. The ambrotype method was used from 1854 through the end of the Civil War. Ambrotype photos were characterized by bits of color, such as in lips or cheeks or buttons, watches and broaches.