Visit the Littlest Pet Shop section of the Hasbro website (see Resources), and click on the "See All LPS Products" link.
Click on the "Sort By" drop-down menu and select "Name A-Z." Scroll to the appropriate letter of the alphabet. For example, if you are looking for the Littlest Pet Shop Bear, scroll through the other items that begin with "B" until you locate the bear.
Press the button that reads "Buy Now," if possible. Though many of the items on Hasbro's website link directly to the Hasbro Toy Shop website, others are not available on the website. If there is no "Buy Now" button, highlight and copy the exact name of the product. For example, the exact name of the Bear is "Littlest Pet Shop (Bear). Click on the "Where to Buy Littlest Pet Shop" link.
Click on one of the links other than "" Once the webpage loads, click on the "Search" text field and paste the name of the toy. Press the "Enter" key, and wait for the page to load.
Locate the name of the pet and click on it. This should take you to the product page.
Press the "Add to Cart" button then the "Checkout Now" button. Enter your shipping and credit card information to purchase the product.