Things You'll Need
Display your miniature decoys on glass shelves. The clear shelves provide views from all angles to show off the details and colors of the birds. Purchase glass shelves with a light in the top for added visibility.
Enclose your miniature decoys in individual shadow boxes. These three-dimensional frames can hang on the wall and provide an ideal option for valuable antique decoys that need added protection. Open the shadow box and place the miniature decoy inside before replacing the glass cover. Purchase large shadow boxes if you wish to display more than one in the same case.
Place your miniature decoy collection in a china cabinet with a glass front. This allows you to see the decoys while the glass offers protection from dust. A cabinet also allows you easy access if you want to look at one of the decoys closely.
Line your mini decoys along a flat surface in your home, such as across your fireplace mantel or on top of a row of floating kitchen cabinets.
Build or purchase cube shelves. Place the shelves against the wall and fill each cube with a miniature decoy.