Things You'll Need
Select an old window frame that has no cracks in the glass and firm corner joints. Look at thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets. Choose a window with a light weight frame 24-inches-square or smaller.
Measure the window height and width from outside to outside. Cut two pieces of 2-by-2-inch lumber a miter saw to fit the height of the frame and two for the width. Cut a piece of 1/4-inch plywood the same dimensions as the window frame, using a table saw.
Set one piece of two-by-two on the miter saw, with one long edge against the fence, left of the blade. Set the blade to 45-degrees right of center. Align the front corner of the board on the left face of the blade.
Start the saw and pull the blade down, cutting through the two-by-two in one fluid motion. Release the trigger and wait for the blade to stop before allowing it to spring upright into its original position. Repeat with the remaining three pieces.
Reset the saw left of center and cut the opposite end of each piece in the same way, to create four oblong trapezoids. Sand the cut edges to remove any splintering with 100-grit sandpaper.
Apply glue around the edges of the plywood about 1/2 inch in from the edge. Fit each two-by-two onto the plywood along one edge. Nail through the plywood into the two-by-twos with a pin nail gun and one 1 1/4-inch nail every 3 inches.
Cut a piece of piano hinge to fit the edge of the window using tin snips. Attach it with one 1/2-inch wood screw through each hole. Set the window on top of the two-by-two and plywood tray, with all four edges flush. Attach the other half of the piano hinge to the edge of the two-by-two with one 1/2-inch wood screw through each hole using a cordless drill.
Cut a 1-inch-thick piece of foam to fit inside the bottom of the case. Cut a second piece the same size and lay the knives on it. Trace the outline of the knives on the foam. Cut them out with a utility knife. Fit the foam into the tray and place the knives in their respective cutouts.