Rocky Beaches
Beaches near rocky shores or cliffs are better beach glass producers than long smooth sands fronting a flat expanse. Rocks break glass apart into smaller pieces which are then more easily worked into beach glass by the elements. Beaches backed by cliffs tend to be the recipients of falling debris from roads, homes or hikers, and this glass also makes its way to the beach in workable pieces. A flat and sandy topography does not funnel glass debris to the shore and insulates rather than shatters large pieces.
Ideal Water and Tide Conditions
The action of breaking waves is what turns ordinary glass into beach glass. The constant grinding and tumbling mimics the motions of a polishing machine and produces much the same effect. Without waves and sand, the glass will not be there to find. Sheltered beaches and shorelines may have relatively calm waters, while exposed beaches benefit from the full force of nature. Constant waves at least 1 foot in height are a minimum requirement for a good glass beach, as is a wide and open body of water where wind and tide can produce enough force to create a churning effect.
Beaches Near River Mouths and Other Turbulent Areas
Glass which has made its way into the river at any point along its length will eventually end up at the mouth where it pours out into the sea and is churned over and over by breaking waves. The combination of river and ocean forces can wear down glass quickly and result in useful deposits of beach glass along the shoreline. Low tide is the best time to search the beaches around the mouths of rivers as it exposes more of the shore line and reveals the specimens which have been carried in by the high tide. Early spring may yield the best crop of beach glass, as fewer combers tend to do any hunting during the frigid winter months -- so deposits have time to accumulate.
Beaches Near Sources of Material
Beaches located near sources of glass will logically produce more beach glass than others. The perfect beach would be located near a glass making factory where years of material has been discarded and worked over by the sea. The Evan Eisman Glass Company in New York City's Brooklyn Navy Yard is a great example of a glass making business set directly on a busy shoreline.
Word of Mouth &Well Known Beaches
Rely on the assistance and experience of other beachcombers. Beach glass hunters tend to remember when and where they made a find. Ask fellow hunters you may meet on the beach or in your travels, and they may have some tips for you. Some well know beach glass locations include Fort Bragg Sea Glass Beach in California, Seaham Beach in the UK and Old San Juan Beach in Puerto Rico.