The Great Piggy Bank Adventure
Created by Disney, "The Great Piggy Bank Adventure" teaches children money management and uses these concepts to finish the game and accomplish their fantasy goals. The game specifically educates kids about setting goals, saving and spending money sensibly, allocating funds and inflation. The decisions they make will directly affect their monetary affairs and the fulfillment of their fantasy goals. "The Great Piggy Bank Adventure" also instructs children about investments. The game is recommended for kids ages 8 to 14, and parents are encouraged to participate in their child's financial journey.
"Spend a Dollar, Save a Dime"
In many cases, people fill piggy banks to capacity then quickly spend all their savings that took months to accumulate. Try setting aside some change when you spend. For every dollar you spend, you must put a dime in the piggy bank. You can swap the dime for any amount. This method ensures consistent money flow and promotes mindful spending.
The Money Savvy Pig
Traditional piggy banks use a drop-and-go saving approach. You drop your change into one chamber, and usually with little concern. The Money Savvy Pig fosters active decision making through its four chambers that represent the four main principles of finance: saving, spending, donating and investing. Children can set goals for themselves and achieve them when they make smart financial choices.The Money Savvy Pig has garnered awards such as the The Parents' Choice Gold Award, the Nappa Gold from the National Parenting Publication Awards and the 2008 Preferred Choice Award from Creative Child Magazine.
Guess the Total
Fundraise using a piggy bank. Pass the bank around and kindly ask for donations. A donation will grant them a guess, which gives an individual a chance to win a prize. After a couple passes around the room, count the money. Offer the prize to the person who comes the closest at guessing the actual change amount. This game can bring in decent money at large gatherings such as weddings, galas and charity balls.