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How to Find Old Relics & Coins

Old relics and coins can be extremely valuable, in some cases netting their finders veritable fortunes. But how does one go about finding these life changing objects? The easiest and best way to find old relics and coins is to search for them with a metal detector. Over the years, many metal objects have been neglected and ultimately buried in the ground. Many people have found valuable old coins, pots, weapons, statues and the like with metal detectors.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal detector
  • Spade (the size you'll need depends on how sensitive your metal detector is)
  • Brush
  • Backpack or other place to store your finds
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      Find a place to hunt for old relics and coins. Riverbanks, woods, beaches and wide-open fields tend to be good places to search for valuable items. Once you decide on a place to hunt, however, make sure you get permission from the owner of the land. Never trespass on someone's property while looking for old coins and relics.

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      Run the metal detector over the area you are searching. Stop when you find something.

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      Dig the metal object out of the ground using a hand spade or full-length shovel. Which instrument you will need depends on the sensitivity of your metal detector. Fill in the hole after you excavate the item.

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      Brush the object off as well as you can and store it in a safe place.

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      Continue this process until you have finished your search. If the area is small enough, you may wish to search it in its entirety.

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      Learn about your finds. Learn about old coins by consulting a coin collecting guide or take your coins to a dealer and ask an expert about them. Relics may be more difficult to learn about. Take any findings that you cannot identify to a local museum or historical expert (antique shops may be helpful too).

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