Determine the card series. The card series is the group of Pokemon cards that the card came from. Some cards are no longer printed due to older series while others are new series. The card series is often arranged by the date the cards were printed, which is printed on the bottom of the card in the middle.
Find out what set the Pokemon cards come from. Pokemon card sets are determined by the small symbol on the card. Older cards have the symbol on the right-hand side on the image. Newer cards have the set symbols on the bottom right of the card.
Determine the Pokemon type. Pokemon types are simple to determine. It is written on the card. The card will say "Basic," "Rare," or "Uncommon" on the card directly. Older card sets often say "Basic Pokemon" on the top left and the type like "psi Pokemon" directly below the picture. Newer cards will say something like "Basic" on the bottom left side of the picture and might not tell the specific type. If unsure about the type, look at the Pokemon attack cards such as "Psyshock" to determine the type of Pokemon. The name of the attack will usually give an indication of the Pokemon type. For example, "Psyshock" is a psychic Pokemon attack.
Determine the order of the cards. All Pokemon cards in a set have two numbers at the bottom. These are the number of the card. For example, the basic Pokemon card set for Abra says "43/102" on the card. This means that Abra is the 43rd card out of 102 cards in the set.