Frame the poster. Chose a sturdy frame with acid-free backing, as posters draw out acid and discolor. While glass won't protect posters from fading or yellowing, conservation glass, which is more expensive, will. Conservation glass can still break. Plexiglass does not break, but to prevent scratching and protect posters, pick a quality plexiglass with a UV filter.
Store posters that not on display. To keep posters in proper ambient conditions, avoid excessive temperature, humidity and exposure to light, which can deteriorate the poster. For unframed posters, flat storage is best. Keep them in acid-free poly sleeves. Refrain from handling the posters as much as possible.
Repair posters with linen backing. Linen backing is a process that is best performed by a professional, as it involves removing acid from the poster and permanently affixing it to a linen or paper mounting. Linen backing can improve the brightness and clarity of posters and diminish creases.