Things You'll Need
Examine your snow globe and determine if it has a removable stopper on the base. If there is no stopper in the base, the only way to decloud the water is to set the globe in direct sunlight. The sun's rays will kill the algae in the water, improving the clarity.
Set a jar lid upside down on a flat surface and cover with a towel. Turn your snow globe upside down and place the top of the globe on top of the towel and into the jar lid. Be sure to find a lid that will provide a stable base and hold the globe upright without allowing it to roll around.
Remove the stopper on the bottom of your snow globe. Let your snow globe sit still until all snow flakes, glitter, and loose pieces have settled to the bottom.
Remove and discard the water from the globe, carefully using an eyedropper without stirring up the pieces of snow at the bottom. Remove as much water as possible without removing any snow or glitter.
Dip the end of a cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol and rub it over the glass inside your globe until the interior is sparkling clean.
Add enough rubbing alcohol, using the eyedropper, to cover the loose particles in the bottom of the glass. Gently pick up the globe and swirl the particles in the alcohol. Carefully remove the alcohol with the eyedropper and discard it. Repeat this step two to three times to be sure all dirt and algae pieces have been removed.
Refill the globe with distilled water and replace the stopper.
Remove any smudges or fingerprints on the outside of the glass, using a cloth and window cleaner.