Estimate the value of your collection. Find the value of your stamps using an online valuation site (See Resources 1) or hire an appraiser. Dealers who belong to the American Philatelic Society are also available for hire to value stamps.
Select a specialized insurance policy for your stamp collection. Find an insurer that specializes in collectibles. Go to your state's department of insurance and perform an insurance company search by organization type and lines of business.
Determine the amount of insurance you need. Build your coverage around your homeowner's coverage, if you have it. For example, homeowner's insurance may not cover against accidental breakage or damage from certain natural disasters. Choose a policy that picks up where your homeowner's policy leaves off. If you do not have homeowner's insurance, consider getting complete coverage.
Complete an inventory of your collection. An inventory can expedite the payment of claims if damage or loss occurs. An inventory is not always required to obtain insurance coverage, but maintaining one provides proof of the stamps in your collection.
Apply online, by mail or over the phone. Make your first payment to initiate coverage. Be sure to mail a copy of your inventory to your insurance provider.