Things You'll Need
Gather all of the pieces of broken melamine. Place any small pieces off to the side. Thouroughly wash and dry the large pieces in warm, soapy water. Do not rub the broken edges with a paper towel, as fibers can stick to the broken edge and hinder the gluing surface.
Once the pieces have air-dried, place them together to check the fit. It is very unusual for a melamine dish to shatter into numerous pieces. The broken edges should fit together very well, like puzzle pieces. It is important to check the fit because once the glue is applied, the fit might not be able to be adjusted. Lay the pieces in their correct position on top of newspaper.
Read the instructions for the plastic adhesive you chose. Before handling the open glue, put on your rubber gloves. Open the package, and use the glue in a well-ventilated area. Plastic adhesives immediately stick to skin and can get onto the dish in the wrong place, leaving a permanent mark.
Slowly and carefully squeeze a small amount of adhesive along the entire cracked edge. It is not necessary to glue all of the broken edges, as the glue would ooze out once the two edges were placed together. Glue one cracked edge and put the two pieces together. If glue begins to ooze from the crack, quickly wipe it with a clean cloth. Depending on the glue you chose, you will need to work quickly before it begins to dry and leave an undesired mark on the plastic.
Let the melamine dish set for 24 hours on an undisturbed work surface. Once 24 hours has passed, gently lift the plate and check your work. Be gentle with the plate. The dish should look nearly new again with a strong bond.