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How to Identify Limoges Marks

Limoges is a city in France, famed for its beautiful porcelain boxes, giftware and dinnerware. Limoges porcelain is made by many different factories in and around Limoges. According to Limoges.com, there are about 20 to 30 porcelain factories in Limoges, most specializing in certain types of porcelain. The marks on a piece of Limoges porcelain vary, depending on which porcelain factory produced it. Generally, Limoges porcelain is stamped at the bottom, with the stamp reading "Limoges France."

Things You'll Need

  • Guide to Limoges collecting
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      Look at the bottom of the piece you're trying to identify. Limoges porcelain typically has a maker's mark stamped on the bottom. The Limoges stamp will read "Limoges France," but the script often appears in different forms. Additionally, Limoges stamps are either underneath the glaze or impressed on top of the glaze.

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      Use a guide to collecting Limoges or the various online image sources available to assist you in identifying Limoges marks. There are many sources dedicated to identifying Limoges; some sources can help you identify Limoges by stylistic features, in addition to maker's marks.

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      Remember that some larger Limoges importers stamp their name on Limoges pieces. A maker's mark reading "Limoges France," will still be present; however, you might see an importer's name as well, such as, "Sinclair Limoges" or "Rose Decor." An importer's name doesn't negate a piece of Limoges porcelain's authenticity.

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