Things You'll Need
Identify Longaberger by the Tag
Verify the identity of a basket by reading the printed label, usually attached to the top border of the basket. This label is metal and fastened permanently. Genuine Longaberger labels include the name, the identity of the collection if the basket belongs to a collection, the year it was sold and the style of the basket. Paper tags are also attached to new baskets but are rare on used ones.
Examine the bottom of the Longaberger basket for a stamp "LONGABERGER BASKETS, handwoven, Dresden, Ohio, USA." The company takes pride in making their products exclusively in America.
Find a signature or an initial also on the bottom of the basket. Some baskets are signed by family members who work at weaving; other baskets are initialed by the employees who have woven that basket. Having a family member's signature increases the value of the basket.
Estimate the value of the Longaberger basket by first judging its condition. Determine if it is broken, missing a handle, faded badly, scratched or crushed. Any damage will decrease the value. If it is part of a collection, this may raise the value provided the issue was limited to one year or one season.The older the basket in excellent condition, the more valuable it will be.