Things You'll Need
Determine what size case you want to build and draw up a diagram. Have glass sheets cut according to your drawing. You will need two side pieces, front and back pieces, and one for the top. Your base will be made of wood.
Use a solid sheet of wood at least 1/2 inch thick for your base. Cut it to be 1 inch wider on all sides than the glass case will be.
Cut the trim boards. Two will be used for each corner (for a total of 8) that will be the height of your glass. You will need eight more for the top and bottom frames.
Assemble the four glass sides and glue them together with epoxy. Glue a strip of felt along the bottom edges to prevent dust from entering your finished case.
Build four butt joints with the eight trim boards you cut for the corners. This is done by overlapping two at each corner of the glass and gluing them together with wood glue.
Use a small square or triangular piece of wood to reinforce each corner from inside the case. Epoxy them in each of the four inner glass corners.
Glue the top pane of glass onto the box you have built using epoxy. Add wood trim boards around the top for reinforcement if your case is of substantial size. Attach them to the glass with epoxy.
Build up a frame on the base with the remaining four trim boards. This frame is what your glass case will sit inside. Make it snug, but be sure there is room to put the glass case on and off.
Place the item you want to display on the base, inside the built up frame. Carefully maneuver the glass case down over the top and slide it into the frame.