Define your goals. If you want to collect only a specific brand of transistor radio (only Sony TRs, for example) then you will need to keep that in mind. Go through some transistor radios collector's guides to find out all the radios that are out there and make note of the ones that appeal to you.
Price your "perfect collection." Using the guide you made, see how much the radios you selected are and plan out a budget for when you go to collect.
Learn how to date your radios. By keeping apprised of what kind of technologies and symbols were used across the times, you can determine with certainty what time period a radio you haven't seen in a collector's book is from. Most 1953-63 models, for instance, are adorned with the anti-communist Civil Defense, or "CD," marks found between the numbers 6 and 7 and 12 and 16 on the dials.
Join hobby clubs offline and online. Though you might not find a local club for transistor radio collectors, you can find plenty online where you can discuss, identify and trade transistor radios with other collectors.
Start buying radios. Check out thrift shops, garage sales, swap meets and flea markets. You can find some real gems in your own neighborhood, but the best way to find transistor radios is to check out online auction sites, such as eBay.
Store your transistor radios in a safe place and well-organized manner. Transistor radios aren't prone to breaking apart, so putting them in a box with each other is possible. But make sure you don't get any of your radios wet, and you may want to store them each in a plastic storage bag just in case.