Disney Donald Duck
Swarovski retired its Donald Duck crystal figurine in 2008. The figure was one of a range of Disney-based pieces the crystal brand retired in 2008; others included Pluto, Minnie Mouse, Goofy and a limited-edition Tinker Bell figurine. Each year, the Swarovski brand releases one Disney-related figure, according to the Retired Swarovski website.
The pelican, depicted with a huge beak and in a squatting pose, was part of the Swarovski "Feathered Friends" collection, which also included models of birds such as herons and doves. The pelican retails at roughly $37.50 on the secondhand market, according to the Crystal Fox website in October 2010.
Mini Seal
This cute baby seal was part of a set called the "Kingdom of Ice and Snow" and is depicted in a standing position. Other figurines in the collection included two penguins --- the Sir Penguin and a Mini Penguin. The Mini Seal retails on the secondhand market for about $45, according to the Crystal Fox website in October 2010.
SCS Harlequin
This costumed figurine, depicted in a crouching position, offering a rose upward, was retired in 2001. The figure is based on the theatrical harlequin costume, which was worn by actors playing a comic role and reoccurs in many historical plays. The harlequin was available exclusively to members of the Swarovski Crystal Society (SCS), founded in 1987, and as such was a limited-edition piece even on its release.
SCS Pegasus
The Pegasus is a mythical beast taken from the legends of Ancient Greece, and is said to be a horse with wings enabling it to fly. The Swarovski Pegasus was released and retired in 1998, and is another SCS piece. The Pegasus was the SCS Annual Piece --- the collectible produced exclusively for SCS members on a yearly basis --- for 1998. Preceding the Pegasus, the SCS Annual Pieces included other mythical creatures, such as a unicorn and a Chinese dragon.
Large Pineapple
This crystal fruit realistically depicted its inspiration with its yellow top, and was a sister product to the Small Pineapple; both were part of the "Sparkling Fruit" collection. The large pineapple retails for around $260 from secondhand crystal specialists, according to the Crystal Fox website in October 2010.