In Idaho, retrieving arrowheads from natural settings is illegal. In 1984, the Protection of Graves citation ruled that all discovered artifacts must be reburied or fines of up to $10,000 could be levied. This means arrowhead hunters must look to approved venues to find the artifacts.
Many museums in Idaho offer collections of arrowheads for study. The Ketchum-Sun Valley Historical Society-Heritage and Ski Museum features exhibits centered on archeology and Native Americans. The Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology focuses on the places where arrowheads are found. Additionally, the Cambridge Museum has exhibits specifically focused on Native Americans and their artifacts.
Ketchum-Sun Valley Historical Society-Heritage and Ski Museum
Washington Ave. and 1st St.
Ketchum, ID 83340
Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology
2455 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, ID 83712-8254
Cambridge Museum
15 N. Superior St.
Cambridge, ID 83610
The arrowhead enthusiast who wants a souvenir to take home is not out of luck. There are artifact dealers who can legally sell arrowheads and other ancient artifacts. Multiple dealers across the country can be found at Many museums sell replicas in their gift shops as well.